Citrine Wagtail, Bressay!

I awoke early am and checked the gardens but it was very quiet so we loaded up the car and headed down south to Sumburgh to check the quarries and Grutness. I had high hopes of finding a Common Rosefinch so I pulled over to check the beach at Grutness. Moments after I had started scanning a WhatsApp message came through 2 Common Rosefinch Grutness by the pool! Typical!! 
We hopped into the car and drove 2 mins down the road to the car park and after half an hour or so of searching they both perched up on one of the many boulders behind the pool, (glad it wasnt a mega as this place has ankle breaker all over it).
They were fairly distant but it was my first in this plumage. The only other Common Rosefinch I had seen was a smart male which was self found on Portland. 

After this we started to search the general area which included the gardens and quarries but there wasn't a lot happening although it felt rare with light drizzle and a slight breeze. WhatsApp pinged again and this time it read "Red Breasted Fly Exnaboe in gardens". 5 minutes later and we were at the garden but there was no sign of the Flycatcher. 20 minutes later and it was re-found around the back of the garden flycacthing from a barbed wire fence. Always smart birds RBFly but I had hoped for a Taiga!!! We had good views of the Red Breasted Fly for half an hour or so before we once again headed off but this time north to catch the ferry to Bressay to hopefully connect with the 1w Citrine Wagtail. 

Arriving in Lerwick waiting for the ferry across to Bressay we were treated to some sublime views of Black Guillemot. By far the best I have had anywhere in Britain but I'll save them for another post. The ferry crossing was very quick and soon after docking we were walking down the track to the 'Gardie House' a huge one at that, far bigger than my small little 2 bed back in Southampton. Here we met up with Ian Wells and Duncan Whitfield both fellow Hampshire birders.
We searched the area thoroughly but no sign even tho a message came up saying it was still present but we were the only people there. Anyway after an hour or so it was looking like it was going to be a dip when in the distance a wagtail started calling which could only be one thing the Citrine. The 1st time I have heard one but it was quite distinctive and thankfully it dropped down into the garden but distantly. We Watched it for an hour or so when it took flight and headed towards the gardens to the north. A brisk walk up there and the rest was history we had absolutely sublime views of it in the gardens for half an hour before it flew back towards the house.


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