Hampshire to Dorset to Hampshire. EOW!!

All week there had been a showy Lapland Bunting residing at Portland Bill. Although I have photographed them before it is one species that I haven't managed to photograph very well so I made plans to travel down early Saturday morning with Ian Wells. I picked up Ian around 05:30am but little did we know we would be hammering it back to our home county 6hrs later and only 20-30 mins drive from our houses. Surprisingly we arrived at the bill with no other photographers or birders present. This was a result as we did expect abit of a gathering and wondered how well the bird would show with a group staring at it. The sun just started to shine through as we made our way down to the cliff edge and it didn't take long before literally I nearly trod on the bird trying to photograph a Northern Wheatear close by. View from the Bill on a glorious September morning. As you can see it was certainly showing well as soon as we had found it. We spent another couple of hours in the com...