
Haven't really had time to blog about days 2 and 3 in Cyprus and now can't really be bothered to rack my brains doing a day by day account. Basically the next 2 days were like the first, very productive with lots seen including our main 3 Targets of Cyprus Warbler, Cyprus Wheatear and Cyprus Scops Owl which were all seen on the first day. Below is a selection of my best pics from the trip and hopefully next time I won't be as lazy and post up a trip report properly. 

Cyprus Warbler

Cyprus Wheatear

Masked Shrike

Spur Winged Plover

Little Crake


Black-eared Wheatear 

Marsh Sandpiper

Citrine Wagtail

Cyprus Scops owl

Cretzschmar's Bunting

Short Toed Lark

Lesser Whitethroat

Black Headed Wagtail

Wood Warbler

Crested Lark


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